Zero Waste Family Meal

The first ‘course’/Photo by Ashley Welch

The Zero Waste Family Meal was held on the final day of the conference and was a great way to celebrate with those we had learned with throughout the weekend.

A closer look upon my appetizers/Photo by Ashley Welch

All of the food waste produced at the conference was recycled into new food. At first glance, it may seem somewhat disgusting. But eating trash turned out to be one of the more glamorous experiences of my life.

More Charcuterie/Photo by Ashley Welch

The food seemed scarce at first, but as time went on I was overwhelmed with the amount of food being served. Alcohol flowed freely and everyone was deeply engaged in joyous banter.

Flowers decorating the picnic tables/Photo by Ashley Welch

I couldn’t think of a better way to end the conference and I hope this is an event that is duplicated in the future. It just goes to show, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

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