Ancient Grains Block Party

The Ancient Grains Block Party was much more of a success than the Colorado Made Block Party from the night before. Whiskey and rye cocktails flowed like water and there were plenty of carbohydrates to cushion their fall. Crooked Stave was even there serving beer, which gave me a nice sense of pride and deja vu since I had previously toured their brewery earlier that week. In fact, food was so abundant that we all left with croissants to eat for breakfast the next morning.

Pasta, pizza, beer, & bread!/Photo by Ashley Welch

There was even a station for making pizza and another station that was giving away sourdough starters. This should be no surprise to people who know me, but I was ecstatic about receiving my starter (courtesy of Eataly), smuggled it on the plane, told everyone about it, and then never fed it or used it. What can I say, I’m not perfect and maybe I’m not ready for a dog yet since I can’t even take care of my pet yeast. Looking at the instruction pamphlet for my mother yeast, I wish I could come up for a better excuse for not refreshing it besides laziness…but I can’t. As the afternoon drew to a close and it was time to head to our next session, I managed to swipe a bag of whole wheat pasta to add to my ever growing collection of food souvenirs I would be bringing home at the end of this trip.

Myself & Chloe/Photo By Ashley Welch

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