Greener Life

Mental Health and the Importance of it

This past week I was giving a tour and a prospective student came up to me and asked me a question, the question that inspired this article. They asked “What is the depression and mental health like on your campus? Is it acknowledged by your school or does it just get passed by like it […]

Marketing For Graduation

So, I’m currently in a Program called Practices of Organic Farming. I know I know, what the heck am I doing in a farming class?! Well, let me tell you. As someone passionate about studying human rights, its essential for me to understand more about the agriculture industry and the ways farmers and migrant workers […]


We are officially moved into our apartments in Florence Italy! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL. Our whole class is spread in different apartments throughout the city which is amazing because it actually gives us some separation for the first time in 5 weeks. My apartment is with 3 other girls from our program and we lucked out […]


Holy Crap. Hydra is, by far, the most beautiful place that I have ever laid eyes on. Crete was pretty close to perfect but Hydra is a whole new level. Just standing on this island is such an experience. The water is more clear and more blue that I ever though I’d see. They don’t […]

Hydra Sea

the water.
She is a beautiful sight.
She is gentle and clear,
Soothing as she moves
In and out.
Pulling me deeper
Into her caressing hold.

The Sea on Crete

The Sea is alive,
Alive and Beautiful.
The water is clear and blue,
So clear you can see the bottom.
But don’t reach for it,
It’s further than you think.
Float and look at the sky.
The Sky that’s as blue as the water underneath…

Bees, Bees, Bees

We’ve been learning a lot about bees throughout this trip. Greece is famous for their honey here and it certainly lives up to the hype. Tasting the honey here was a huge highlight of this entire trip, so you know it was good. We visited two different honey farms while we’ve been here, the first […]

50% Off Produce from the Organic Farm on Campus

The farm stand is back up and running for the new season! Check it out on Red Square Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3-6pm. Staffed by students from the Practices of Organic Farming Program, as well as farm aids (students from previous POF programs that now are paid members of the staff down on the […]

Hiking Mailbox Peak!

This past weekend I decided to do a solo hike in the Cascades. When I’m hiking by myself, I like to find trails that are heavily trafficked, but still pretty difficult – Mailbox Peak is just perfect for that! This hike is just an hour and 40 minutes from Olympia, and is just East of […]

What I’m Up to This Quarter

This is my last quarter before graduating from Evergreen and that’s a bit bitter sweet. On one hand I will miss Evergreen and all that it has done for me over these past two years. But, on the other hand I’m really excited for what the future has in store. I’ve actually accepted a full […]

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