Log of hours and activities for each learning goal: weekly digest of activities and hours worked, plus cumulative total hours worked. Use a similar format as this table.

Weekly Activity Hours Total Hours
 Week 1 Flew to New Orleans 7
Walked from Uptown to the French Quarter, ate BBQ and a fried shrimp po boy 7
Visited a used book store, spent time talking with owner about New Orleans cuisine and purchased a book for future research 2
Spoke with locals (including and employee of the New Orleans School of Cooking) about places to go and eat authentic food and listen to music 3
Sat on Bourbon street and listened to musicians, walked about 5 miles to see things/ talk with locals 10
Walked to Wild Lotus Yoga Studio/ Co op and healing center, spoke with employees and made plans for future time 2
Started compiling media for movie project 2
Visited the Museum of Southern Cuisine 4
Began reading The Underground Guide to New Orleans 1
Worked on blog 2
Kept updated with peer blogs 2
Online research 5
 Week 2 Talked to local musicians 4
Online research of RASA 2
 Cooked beniegts  2
Went to 3 musical performances 10
Reading  5
 Local dining experiences  6
 Academic statement  3
 Peer blog reading  3
Made movie/worked on future blog posts 5
Lecture at Loyola University about music industry 3
Busked with an old musician I met in the French Quarter 4
 Week 3  Reading and research  12
Watched “The Big Easy” 2
Made 2nd movie/ cooked jambalaya 6
Cooked fried oysters/ harvested oysters 5
 Computer work (blog etc.)  5
 Book shopping  2
Podcast 2
Week 4 Worked on 2 more videos (compiled footage/ editing) 10
Research/ reading 10
Watched videos about New Orleans to compare w/ my own research 5
“itsneworleans.com” (listening to podcasts/ reading articles) 3
updated with peer blogs 1
Connecting RASA with Terroir 3
 Finding answers to the questions asked in my ILC proposal  3
Week 5  Ethnomusicology research  3
 Watched “New Orleans: The Natural History”  1
 Watched “New Orleans in Exile”  2
 Watched “Spoken: Colorism and the New Orleans Creole”  1
 Website work  10
Evaluations 3
Presentations 4
Shopping/cooking/making music 10
Reading 5
Read peer blogs 2
Edit last video 5 205

The Tastes and Sounds of NOLA