Example: Terroir +

Cocoa beans in a cocoa pod.

What is your group’s preferred definition of “terroir”?  Answer in under 50 words and cite who you borrowed ideas from, including adding your references to the “Terroir and Chocolate” zotero cumulative bibliography located in the sidebar.

Given your definition of terroir, how does it(or doesn’t it) apply to chocolate?  Limit your response to 75- 125 words.

Now that you have tasted different chocolates, can you attribute the taste differences to terroir? Explain why or why not and do so in a way that convinces your reader through an “ethnographics of presence.”  We’ll discuss what this means in more detail in class, but your goal is to write in such a way that your reader experiences through your words the experience you had (or didn’t have) of the terroir of chocolate.  Again, limit your writing to 75- 125 words.

Example: Field Study

Toasting cacao beans

5 Favorite Talks

Create a post that includes a table of your group’s 5 favorite talks (day and time, title of talk, author/speaker ).

Day/Time Title of Talk Author/Speaker

3 Favorite Exhibitions

Create a post that includes a table of your group’s 3 favorite trade show exhibitions (day and time, title of tasting/exhibition, author/rep, location or # of exhibition)

Day/Time Title of Tasting/Exhibition Author/Rep Location/# of Exhibition


Recorded Interview

Conduct two interviews with trade show exhibitors, one of which MUST be recorded (at least 1 minute excerpted to be posted to a your post).

Example audio clip:

Audio Player


Example Video clip from YouTube:

Favorite Things Tasted

Create a post of the favorite thing you tasted?  Describe what it was in detail. Next, describe WHY this was your favorite taste.  (See Escher’s “The Pale Yellow Glove” and Proust’s “The Madeleine” in The Taste Culture Reader for examples.




Example: Permaculture and Chocolate


This component of the Case Study assignment asks each group to create short written explorations of the following disciplinary perspectives as they related to chocolate. Your text should be 200-250 words for each of the four required perspectives, plus 200-250 words for your choice of a fifth perspective.  Please use notes and insight from the alumni lecture and tasting series as springboards for your “Business” perspective.  Similarly, notes and insight from the Climate Change and Art Lectures Series should be referenced as springboards if you choose as your optional perspectives “art” or “climate.”  Include a minimum of one image that illustrates your text for each perspective. Maps, graphs, and charts are recommended! Include a caption with image attribution for each visual resource. Include at least two references, fully cited, one of which can be a program text.

(1) Cultural Studies
(2) Geology/Soils
(3) Natural History

(4) Business (entrepreneurship, marketing and advertising, product development, economics)
(5) Choice of : literature, art, agriculture, labor, colonial history, gender studies, geography, climate change.

Next, answer this question, also in 200-250 words including at least one image and 2 fully cited references.

(6) Integrative question – Using a permaculture design lens, outline an ideal cacao production and distribution system that integrates all disciplinary learning to satisfy the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share.

*References should be peer-reviewed journal articles when available and appropriate, then books, then websites. Include references for all electronic resources. We’ll be learning Zotero in this program to generate electronic bibliographies, which we’ll link to our websites.