Climate Change and Coffee

It’s no surprise that coffee will be affected by climate change. Everything will be, however the effects of climate change will not only be affecting the coffee plant itself but also the countries that rely heavily on this crop. Sam Jones from the Guardian says that Arabica coffee is going to be affected mostly by climate change. The rising climates will cause the plants to be more susceptible to pests. He also says that places are mountainous will have a much harder time than places on plateaus because as you go up on the terrain the area becomes less and less each time. These farmers will face huge losses in next couple of decades because of climate change and coffee. Many small farmers who grow these crops rely heavily on this system that has been put in place. If they can’t grow enough crop then they won’t get any money for it and the starvation months will only increase. Not only will it affect the farmers but it will affect the countries that drink coffee. The prices will go up on the coffee that is available and society will lose it’s mind. One of the main solutions is to create a stain of coffee that not only tastes good, but is very strong against pests, and climate change. The goal is to essentially create a robusta coffee but with an arabica flavor in the up coming decades to protect the farmers who grow this crop, and the capitalistic markets that need the coffee.

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