Homing Honey

Terroir of the Apis Mellifera

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What should bee is we

  After all the queen drama today, I watched the hives and contemplated (cried) over how fucking scary nature is. I am repeatedly overwhelmed with emotion over my admiration for bees, but also at the realization of how a colony… Continue Reading →

Who do you think you are–the queen?!

On Friday I installed the new package of bees into the second hive box at the farm. They were very active and, to untrained eyes, nothing seemed out of place. Today, Sunday, I returned to remove the empty package box… Continue Reading →

Location video


Clover, bees, reverie, the usual.

Tonight, the apiary echoed Emily Dickinson. “to make a prairie it takes clover and a bee/one clover, and a bee/and reverie…” I was fond of that poem the first time I read it. I liked the illusions of dreams fulfilling… Continue Reading →

Redesigning the hive for the bee, not necessarily the human

After researching more about plastic’s relationship within the hive, I decided I wanted to change up the hand-made structure of the boxes. I am trying to find a solution that settles my scientific inquiry as well as my moral compass… Continue Reading →

Values, Opinions; Self-criticisms, Fears: A word on the end of the beginning

Beekeepers are incredibly firm when it comes to their values. Every one has an opinion regarding commercialized versus natural beekeeping, disease prevention, Honey B Healthy formula, smoke treatments and a variety of other caretaking principles and practices. No matter where… Continue Reading →

An Introduction…

“Put yourself in a prehistoric era, when it was unusual to come across anything sweeter than a few berries in late summer, and it is easy to understand why honey has always been associated with magic. For many millions of… Continue Reading →

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