Favorite Tea tasting



My favorite tea tasting was when Raj Vable came from his company Young Mountain Tea and gave a tasting of their favorite teas. Young Mountain Tea is a direct trade company with in close correspondents with their produces located in Assam, Darjeeling, Nilgiris, and Kumaon. With all the dark full bodied tea we had which are typical to come out of India; my favorite tea we tried that day was the Indi’s gold. Indi’s gold is a whole leaf tea grown in the high elevations of the Nilgiris mountains. When I tasted the tea I wrote down some flavor profiles that include blossom, spice, and after notes of an earthliness. Besides all the delicious teas we tasted that day this was my favorite tea tasting because of the information that came along with each cup. Raj and his team care deeply about how their tea is produced and the wellbeing of those producing it, hearing about where the tea came from and being able to see who was making it I believed greatly impacted the overall taste and experience of the tasting.



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