My Field Study Location
The place I chose to do my field study on is the inlet across the street from the Hands on Children’s museum on Olympia Ave, called East Bay Waterfront Park and the streets surrounding it. There are many intriguing occurrences going on at my location but what interests me the most is the fairly big metal pipe that feeds water into this area. I’ve heard that there is still a salmon run every year that goes through this pipe to get out to the ocean or vise versa. I also think that the water source supplying the pipe is capital l lake, but I’m not 100% sure on either of these. I’ve already spent a fair amount of time at my location but I have come to the realization that there is still so many questions left unanswered, things I have to learn and observe. I am excited to be in the habit of coming here a few times each week and just observing the changes and finding new things that come after just staring for a few minutes. There is so much history behind this site and I am determined to learn it!
I like how forward you are. Its short and to the point and I think that’s good to keep peoples attention.