What’s in the water?
As I walked the perimeter of the Lake I noticed different things in the water. I think because of how windy it was on Wednesday, the waves were accumulating more material on the surface and pushing it along the cement barriers of the lake. Most of it was natural material, but I wondered how many pairs of sunglasses had fell in and how many coins had been tossed in and were sitting on the bottom of the lake (not to mention the garbage I saw floating or washed up along the small shoreline).

Material that had been worked to the surface and pushed into a corner on the north side of the lake, by the walking trail.

A water bottle among plant material on the east side of the lake. This is the area with tall grasses and a small beach that the birds seem to enjoy.

Mud and branches along the south side of the lake, which is covered in more plant life, and definitely smelled more like mud and natural lake water.
Isn’t it gross seeing all of that garbage? Your photos are great, I like how they’re all sort of grey and brown yet not boring