Jan 19

The Snowbound City (Haines)

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The Snowbound City, by John Haines (1924-2011)

I believe in this stalled magnificence,
this churning chaos of traffic,
a beast with broken spine,
its hoarse voice hooded in feathers
and mist; the baffled eyes
wink amber and slowly darken.


Of men and women suddenly walking,
stumbling with little sleighs
in search of Tibetan houses —
dust from a far-off mountain
already whitens their shoulders.


When evening falls in blurred heaps,
a man losing his way among churches
and schoolyards feels under his cold hand
the stone thoughts of that city,


impassable to all but a few children
who went on into the hidden life
of caves and winter fires,
their faces glowing with disaster.

Words That Burn