Day Time Sequence/November (Stowe)
Day Time Sequence/November, by Dalene Stowe (1946-)
The wind has no voice, really.
The obstacles have voices.
Going up hill
This crow time of year
The cartilage cracks,
The wind announces:
November is the month of cartilage.
Small bones
All over your body applaud.
But the wind has no voice, really.
It is the obstacles that have announced it.
Once in life
Something like November happens in the body:
The joints are exposed.
Twigs grinding in upon themselves
Produce the voices you thought were the breath.
The crow is blood, this time,
Covering your nakedness
with a harsh name. Obstacles.
Like light jarring off a coin
Winter approaches your spinal column.
The small bones in your wrists and ankles
Are no longer intricate maps,
Ready to take you anywhere.