Jun 04

Making America Strong (Voss)

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Making America Strong, by Fred Voss (1952-)

We worked nights as machine operators

at Goodstone Aircraft Company, where we made parts

for the Air Force’s new bomber, the K-20.

In the parking lot, before work and during lunch break,

we drank and smoked dope and snorted chemicals.

At work we wore sunglasses

and danced in front of our machines.

We picked up bomber parts and blew through them

as if they were saxophones.

We stalked each other with squirt guns,

screaming and laughing and staggering.

We played with the overhead crane,

hoisting each other’s tool boxes to the ceiling.

We unscrewed knobs from machine handles

and threw them around like baseballs.

One foreman snuck drinks

from the bottle of vodka in his toolbox,

and paced about the shop in a daze.

We respected our foreman

He’d given us some valuable advice.

“Whatever you do,” he’d warned us over and over, “don’t join

the Air Force and fly a K-20.  It’s gonna CRASH.”

Words That Burn