Week 8
Word count: 248
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“There is an ancient etymological connection between the Lain words for the heart, cor, and for cord or string, chorda, and both – in ‘learning by heart’ as in rewinding – are involved in the production of memory (Carruthers 1990: 172).” (Ingold, 121)
“…the conventional basis of ornament is the same: acceptance of the impossible.” (Trilling, 153)
“The ability to imagine and daydream is surely the most human and essential of our mental capabilities. Perhaps, after all, we are humans not because of our hands or intelligence, but thanks to our capacity for imagination.” (Pallasmaa, 133)
“…I begin to think how learning another language…is, first, a newly aquired memory of the mouth. To learn another language is to take on another culture and all the accumulations of its history into the body. One is touched, and in being touched, one is changed. Then empathy and understanding have a chance.” (Hamilton, 67-68)
“that’s why people work hard, so they can afford beautiful things.” (The Fred Effect-Aaron Tisch)
The reading this week, especially the Ann Hamilton reading, created some clear connections between my projects and the readings. With my project I want to unify mind – body – spirit – through bridging connections and allowing
awareness to various paths. Connecting the breath, mind, and body in a yoga practice is one path, while connecting breath, mind, and speech/sound through mantra, is another path. Connecting lotus flower, lotus symbolism, and lotus
pose, displays another path-pattern, and connecting mudras (hand positions) to concepts or mind – postures is another form of bringing union to our lives. Through my experience I am realizing how creating more and more
connections between seemingly disconnected aspects of our lives brings greater clarity, awareness, and union, which can result to liberation. To many people, the realization between what they eat and how they feel is a life-changing
moment, and there are endless connections to be made.
For my final ILC making project, I want to bring some of these connections together. I want write in sanskrit calligraphy, a mantra, or a portion of writing that means something to me, and helps make these connections clear. By doing
this I will bridge the sounds of the sanskrit language, with the visual and physical aspects of writing. Over this background of text, I will draw a mudra (or two) coming out of a lotus flower. This connects the physical movement of hand
to mental meanings. The lotus will be the connection between plant and human and earth and animal.