Lab Upgrades and Printing

Hello Greeners,

We have made some changes in The Computer Center that I want to inform you about. Firstly we are back on our academic schedule, which is:

Sunday 12pm to 12am
Monday – Thursday 7am to 12am
Friday – 7am to 10pm
Saturday 9am to 10pm

Secondly, we have been busy upgrading our aging Windows PCs on the general floor. I am grateful to all of you who have been patient with the (lack of) speed of our older equipment. We now have Intel dual core PCs installed with widescreen Dell monitors at every PC post on the main floor. We have installed solid state hard drives at most PCs on the general floor which have dramatically reduced login time.

Finally, there is now a page limit set in our lab. The Go Print screen will report large jobs “over limit” but we are happy to help push those jobs through so long as they are academically relevant. Please see us at the front desk is you have any issues printing your academic work.

Have a wonderful Fall Quarter!

Dylan Houston
Computer Center Manager