• Main character, who was originally Asian in the anime and is apparently Asian before being forced into a cybernetic body, is played by a white woman, as well as most of the cast. The characters who aren’t white in the movie are the characters who either don’t have much dialogue and don’t appear as often as the main cast, or are background characters with little to no dialogue
  • They fetishized Asian women in the movie, even when there weren’t many in there to begin with. The geisha in the beginning looked like all the stereotypes that people associate with Asian women, like having a small mouth and body, then demonized her by distorting her face and body and have her crawl around on the walls with her arms and legs unnaturally crooked like a spider
  • The scientists are made to seem like a white savior to Major by saying that they saved her (Dr. Ouelet), when they really just experimented on and forced her into a body against her will. They also praised Major constantly, saying that she’s their ‘perfect creation’ and that she’s beautiful, suggesting that she is only/more beautiful as a white woman than as an Asian one.