In our writing workshop Kris gave us some tools of where to go next in the revision process with our papers.

Rethinking which is a reassessment of something, especially in order to make changes to it, leads into the action step of clarifying and getting feedback as well as creating a descriptive outline.

Redefining is improving the paper by making small changes, which are focused on polishing and fine tuning. This leads to the action step of cutting, reversing the outlining you have already done, basically keeping the content just switching it up to create a better flow.

Developing is growing and maturing the piece which will probably include elaborating, and making connections between the different parts of evidence discussed within the program. The action step that this leads to is adding to the essay by adding in post it notes and marking points where new information/connection can be added in.


I was working at Camp Stand By Me this weekend which means I spent the last 48 hours taking care of other people and not getting that much sleep. I also did not get a chance to space out the work on the essay which is definitely recommended. So, I am feeling a little bit nervous to meet the deadline tomorrow. I just have to push through to the end of the quarter!

This framework helps me to not get so stuck in what to do next, as well as Kris’ support to do this essay for us and feel encouraged to finish it and share it with other people which I realize I rarely ever share my academic writing with other people. Tomorrow I am going to add in the developing points that I have marked with connections from the books we have read. Then I will probably ask my sister to read it or read it out loud while I go for a walk. Woo, let’s finish this!