seminar notes on “Asian American History: A Very Short Introduction”

  • competitions/economics
  • mistreating asian immigrants mirrors immigrant issues today
    -> latinx and middle eastern (mainly muslim) immigration
    ->xenophobia + the dangers of profiling
  • scapegoating of vulnerable marginalized groups
  • what is an asian-american? (hard to draw a clear line bc of how many asian ethnic groups there are)
  • asian american: japan (even though japan is on an island), china, korea, south asian, south-east asia
  • pacific islander: south east asia (ex. philippines), oceania, samoa, hawaii, i’m missing a lot of places but there’s plenty more
    ->part of it is geopolitical – putting groups against each other
    -> most ppl think of their country of origin first instead of asian/asian american
  • people w/ most power conquering “weaker” folks
    ->exploitation, encouraging ppl to come for labor but not to stay forever
  • why is it important to learn asian american/pacific islander american history to understand asian popular culture?
  • ex. food
    -> why do we see so many chinese restaurants but not pilipino ones?
  • self exotification (as a means of survival) + proximity to whiteness (access to resources, etc)
  • economic status
  • survival and sacrifice
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