notes on Margaret Cho and Fresh off the Boat screenings

Margaret Cho

All American Girl (1994-1995)

  • all american/korean family (margaret = only korean actress)
  • margaret’s character considering herself American + dating a white boy, mom + grandma criticizing her clothes
  • parents = immigrants, children = “american”
  • unrealistic portrayal of a family (especially an asian one)
    -> made for a white audience (accents, stereotypes, etc.)
    -> first asian american show so not much else to go by

I’m The One that I Want (2000)

  • stereotypical portrayal of her mother – facial expressions + physicality, accent
  • self-depreciating humor
    -> in margaret’s case, tap dancing for the white people
    -> self-hatred + self-protection
  • using comedy to tell her personal stories

Fresh off the Boat (2015?)

  • taiwanese family in the 90’s
  • went from “laugh at me” (margaret) to “laugh with me” (FOB)
  • anti-blackness + eddie wong – hyper interest in hip-hop
    -> binary of black/white
    -> romanticizes relationship between racial groups
  • how would we change this?
    -> eddie’s character being held responsible instead of being considered cute for appropriating black culture
  • dynamic of being the best asian for their family/the whites or immersing themselves in subcultures (aka black culture) as an act of rebellion
    -> we are not a monolith
    -> model minority issues
  • refuge from dominant culture/rebellion
    -> ex. the last dragon + black community’s interest in kung fu
    -> cultural exchange? almost but there’s still a big power imbalance between asian people + black people
  • more room to pretend issues never happened -> no discussion
    -> not much internal dialogue (at least in first season)
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