Writing Workshop
- Retraining brain to focus on main points rather than being distracted by grammar, etc
- Don’t think of writing on spectrum of bad-good b/c it’s limiting and writing is recursive and ever-evolving
- Writing Process Steps:
- Prewriting
- Drafting
- Revision
- Editing
- Proofreading
= cyclical, nonlinear process
- Selecting Final Essay topics is a gamble (risk/wager) and a gambol (exploration/play)
- How “Home,” Pop Culture, and APIA intersect
- Race/Ethnicity is something people outside of that race/ethnicity can write about vs. people in that race/ethnicity can write out of that experience
Riffin’ on History and its Malcontents
Questions to keep in mind throughout program:
- Why is history so important?
- What prevents us from enjoying/fully benefitting from the study of history?
- What can we do to make history come alive?
- What do the above questions have to do with APIAs and pop culture?
Seminar Notes
- first recorded Asian Americans in America: Philipino “Luzon Indians”
- Boston Tea Party = Asian tea
- high % of Asians involved in farming -> overtime passed through different waves of immigration -> now within Latinx community
- Asian exclusions set precedent for current immigration laws and beliefs
- parallels: Asian farmers & Latinx farmers, Japanese internment & Muslim profiling
- defining “Asian Americans” vs. “Pacific Islander American”
- Chinese restaurants vs. Philipino restaurants
- “historic amnesia” highly applies to US