Content of the week

This movie we watched covered the struggle of a young Vietnamese man, a Bui Doi as many called him. He was born from an American father, a GI. He started off being treated very differently than everyone else in his village, many people did not like him because it reminded them of past events. Eventually he decides he wants to go find his parents, he goes into the big city and finds his mother, she tells him about his father, how they were married. She said one day he was there, the next he was gone. Eventually he has to flee from Vietnam, going on a…Not even really sure how to describe the journey, it was horrific. He was in some sort of prison camp for awhile, then stuck in the hull of a ship where his baby brother eventually got sick and died. Once he finally got to America, he wasn’t really treated any better than while he was in Vietnam. He was forced to work until he realized that he was actually an American, he was told that since his father was an American GI he could have gotten a free flight to America and that rightfully enraged him. He lost his baby brother during that trip, he endured a lot, much more than most. He eventually finds his father, who is blind, and pretty much discovers why his father had to leave Vietnam. I really liked the movie, as hard as it was to watch at certain times, it was a moving story.