It’s been a long ten weeks…

I won’t ever regret taking this class.

I wish I had been able to devote more time to the engaging with the texts that we had this quarter. I’m on the last legs of this essay and I hope its a good way to end out the quarter displaying what I learned in the class and also so that I have a piece of work that I’m proud of.

I don’t have a lot of those.

I don’t I’ll ever be able to take another class like this again.


I. D. K,

I’m having a really hard time with the essay. I don’t know if it’s rooted in confusion on how to find a direction/structure for it or because I thinking of “home” is is stressful/confusing and that’s whats causing the procrastination?


Forgotten Country messed me up but life’s still good

I have a lot of feelings about the book. It was kind of a depressing read. Probably because it hit too close to home for me. Especially the talks about intergenerational trauma, the sisters’ decisions and personalities, and the tumultuous relationships between parents and child. I really let the stuff in there get to me. But I also have a bad habit of getting sucked up other’s sadness (I’m Hannah lol). I think when that happens I lose sight of my goals and get sidetracked. I just have to remember that I got other stuff in my life that’s good.




filipino goodness

Recently went to go eat some filipino food. Its been a while and I had to go all the way to the South Center Mall to get some. Feeling the nostalgia feels~

How to be a model (minority) and a problem (minority)

A “model” and a “problem”. It’s another way I’d describe being “mixed up”. It sums up my experience of being a mixed kid. There’s so many analogies I could make under these categories.



-Model Minority

-Asian/proximity to whiteness

-interracial love

– is something to be followed/achieved



– Problem Minority


-interracial hate

– Is something to be avoided


The idea of “model” and “problem” exists on a spectrum.


M O D E L ß———————————————————à P R O B L E M


I am both a model and a problem.




[ F L A S H ☆ B A C K ]

Lately, I’ve been feeling really nostalgic.

Being in this class, I’ve really been looking back on my life and reconnecting with things in my childhood. It’s moments like this that I like listening to music that makes me feel like I’m home.