1: Portrayal of Western History in Japanese Video Games (Dark Souls, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy [?], etc…)

Pros: Very invested in the topic, something I consider to be a safe space: definitely my home, highly knowledgeable about the topic.

Cons: Not directly related to Asian American Experience, leans towards a more traditionally structured essay in content, a first person narrative about me playing video games might be hard to pull off, puts me in the position of a foreign observer/judge.


2: My Childhood in Guam and Hawaii

Pros: Very Closely Related to APIA, actual lived experience, literal home, incorporates multi-generational experience, interesting interplay of morality.

Cons: I only retain vague memories of the time, not exactly a pop culture thing (although I could look at Chamarro myth or American propaganda or something)


3: My Own Experiences with Anime and Mange

Pros: A literal form of media, clear memories, potential for humor

Cons: I don’t really want to write about this, potential for narrative progression is murky, largely unrelated to APIA (like video games)


4: Puyallup Fairground as Detention and Entertainment

Pros: A definitive narrative structure, easy story to tell, Moral dichotomy

Cons: Not something I am passionate about, can I find art or media about it?