There were a bunch of things that I didn’t get to include in my rough draft. Part of it was a function of the space limitations. Within 3 pages, there was only so much that  I could squeeze in. Either that, or it could have been the fact that I devoted half of my runtime to an aimless personal musing to justify the designation as a creative nonfiction essay. Well, whatever. There are definitely things that needed to be in there that wouldn’t. However, I feel like I’m at kind of a fork in the road going forward from here. I need to make the derision whether I want the final essay to be a personal narrative with an academic lesson inserted or an academic lesson connected by a personal narrative. At this state, my preference would be for the second because of the trashiness of writing a personal narrative about playing video games.

So, back to the point, things to add:

Western perspective on the East through games.

More explanation and evidence about the capitalism connection: talk about APIA connection with the first Nintendo of America activities. Does this work?

More discussion of the cultural appropriation angle. Provide opposing views.

An explanation of what exactly the Legend of Zelda is for non-gamers.

Discussions of further games?

Alternately, and this might be better, I could shift the focus off of Zelda entirely and talk more about the early Nintendo of America stuff, as that has a better APIA connection and moves the focus away from my personal narrative, something that I am in favor of.


