Birds of Evergreen

A guide to the avifauna of the campus core, forest, and beach



Black-bellied Plover

Order: Charadriiformes Family: Charadriidae Genus: Pluvialis Species: Pluvialis squatarola Introduction The Black-bellied Plover is a plump, medium sized shorebird with a lurching gait and healthy appetite for polychaete worms. It commonly haunts the intertidal mudflats ranging the globe with little discrimination among temperate or… Continue Reading →


Order: Charadriiformes Family: Charadriidae Genus: Charadrius Species: Charadrius vociferus Introduction Killdeer are named after their unique and unmistakable call that reiterates it’s name. With a two foot wingspan, they are the largest species of ringed plover found in North America… Continue Reading →

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