Birds of Evergreen

A guide to the avifauna of the campus core, forest, and beach



Golden-Crowned Sparrow

Order: Passeriformes Family: Emberizidae Genus: Zonotrichia Species: Zonotrichia atricapilla Introduction The Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricalpilla) is one of the larger sparrows commonly found along the pacific coast. This beautiful bird has a defining grey-buffy coloration from its chin to under-tail coverts, and sings… Continue Reading →

White-Crowned Sparrow

  Order: Passeriformes Family: Passerellidae Genus: Zonotrichia Species: Z. leucophrys Introduction: The White-crowned Sparrow is a song bird from family passerellidae. The Olympic peninsula has both migratory and resident species of this bird, a few of them earning classification as… Continue Reading →

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