10/12 5hrs
The mirror I ordered arrived broken and it is a great pox. I scrambled and had to buy a new one from Lowes which sadly is the wrong shape. I also went shopping for an assortment of materials.
10/12 5hrs
The mirror I ordered arrived broken and it is a great pox. I scrambled and had to buy a new one from Lowes which sadly is the wrong shape. I also went shopping for an assortment of materials.
10/14 9.5 hours
I feel such relieved to have finished the sculptural body of the visage. I need it to dry out, before I can do more work sanding and painting.
Hours: 10/8 1.5 & 10/9 40mins
When the next step is murky push forward on the parts that are not.
Hours: 9.5
Action is easy to start when you have vision and belief. Vision to see what you want to accomplish and belief that no matter how it turns out you will be wiser for the experience.
10/12 Finish mobile pictures
10/24 Last day to create frame for Mytho-poetic figure (finished early)
11/1 Midterm Self Eval
11/13 Assemble Mobile and Mytho-poetic figure
11/14-11/27 Detail check
11/27 Finish editing Video
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