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Reading Proust was a Neuroscientist and John Lehrer scandel

10/20&/21 8hrs 30mins

This book was a good synthesis of information, the ideas of which I believe will be become more important as time goes on. I have also read the scandals around John Lehrer and mused it over. The only thing notable that might be scandalous about this book according to material I found was Mr.Lehrer recycled much of his own previous material. I don’t see what is wrong with re-using sentencing from previous works as Alan Watts, Michael Pollen, and Dan Ariely all do. What should be looked at is the irony of an age which pushes for the illusion of greatness as greatness and then slams people for being outed for not having the imagery of perfection.

As for John Lehrer’s other scandalous issues like completely making up Bob Dylan quotes is rather appealing.


Reading Emotional Intelligence

10/16,/17,/18  13hrs 50mins (maybe longer)

This was a wonderful book but my biggest issue with this book was with the treatment of children who are social paras due to abuse or neglect. Daniel Goleman accurately says that children who are emotional illiterate are more likely to be shunned by there peers compounding the interaction issues. He then goes on to say that the adults these children end up as basically beyond hope and it feels like sub-textually that they should be punished. So I have great trepidation because we should ask ourselves culturally why we socially sacrifice children, who did not ask for the parents they have or other adult figures in their world?