The midway point of the Camino came and went yesterday, or was it the day before. It was remarkably without ceremony. We had calculated out the distance a day or two before, and then quietly swept past it. Even now I wouldn’t be able to tell you where it was. Sahagun maybe.

Wakking does seem to be second nature by now. It is not a test of strength or fortitude, but rather of time. We can’t walk much faster than about 5.4km/h whether we like it or not. Groaning about a long day no longer entails the distances involved, but rather the time it will take to cover them. 35k is no longer 35k, but rather roughly six and half hours that must be overcome. That being said, I’m not totally without pain. I do have a rather slow burn of a blister that has been stubbornly growing over the past week or so on my right heel. I would be upset, but it doesn’t actually hurt while walking, and it does seem rather pilgrimish to finally be sporting my own white badge of courage. My knee is actually doing much better, and even though I continue to walk with a brace, I have taken it of for one or two of the shorter stretches. Tomorrow is only 18k into Leon, so we’ll see whether I deem it necessary in the morning or not.