I stayed in Hontanas last night and it was the first time that I hadn’t completed a stage, but to be completely honest I didn’t really feel bad about it till the next day. As Fern and I walked we talked about her friends from England and how one of them had been meditating for 30 years, and the other one was on a English dating show that would air in a couple days. As we talked a huge plateau came into distance. I remember thinking, “it doesn’t look to bad” but I was wrong. As everyone knows I like to talk a lot, which I enjoy doing but as I was walking up that monster of a hill a group of flys decided to jump into my throat. I just kept feeling hot and I swear i sweated about one liter. But as we got to the top, I laid my eyes one of the most beautiful views I’ve seen In my life. I could see for miles the flat dull hot Camino we have been walking turn into a beautiful landscape that I could stare at for hours. As we decided that we had enough rest we scaled down the the plateau and continued on the flat hot Camino we listen to some Grateful Dead curtesy of Fern. We came to a nice rest stop after about 5 K a nice man from Finland stopped and was about to drink still water before we told him it wasn’t a good idea. He was so thirsty I had to offer him some of my water, which he graciously took and said “you saved my life thank you so much” which I really didn’t think much of I was just doing what I would want someone to do to me if I was extremely thirsty. We walked on where we came upon a small building with two men smoking a cigarette and on the building it red “Hospital for Pilgrims” so we didn’t think much of it. But it turned out to be an albergue dontativo were they would wash your feet, make dinner, breakfast and sing to you. We just walked by it. But it make me realize that sometime you just need to stop and talk to people and forget about your destination.