Hunter – Thursday

We have arrived in Santo Domingo. Around noon we stopped in the previous town at a nearly abandoned albergue after a rough start to the morning. We decided after about an hour of rest that we truly were able of carrying on. The hostelero in the small albergue de guadelupe in Ciriñuela was one of the most patient, humble, wise men that we have had the privilage to encounter. He mentioned that there weren´t many peregrino´s who stop in the small town of 20 people, and that it became mostly a summer vacation spot due to its location along the Camino, and it´s green out-of-place golf course. I hope to return there after finishing the Camino to work with him for a few days. One thing I loathe about the guidebook is the predestined route that all the pilgrims take, passing over these beautiful, quiet towns. After arriving at the busteling albergue of Santo Domingo I regret leaving that place of rest.

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