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Bomberos, Porto, and Santiago!


Santiago, I’ve finally have made the distance.

I’ve walked over 826 km and seen a lot of northern Spain, by foot. I walked looking for change and to see a lot of the world. I know I’ve changed a lot with all the new things I’ve experienced, I’ve grown a ton. I just have seen so much, I lived out of a backpack, washed clothes by my own hand, I’ve done a ton of new things. During my time here on the Camino I’ve even have had some spiritual experiences. In culmination it has been a life altering trip. I still don’t even think I have processed all the change I’ve undergone. I know this partly because I’m still so steeped in this different world, but it’s just the way I see and react to things now. I can tell things have changed because I’m completely surprised by my reactions, but they feel so right.

During my time in Santiago I went and traded some fire culture with the cities fire department. It was incredible, everything was very different, I was like a kid in a candy shop. They were everything I expected and more, great attitudes and completely gracious. The firefighter I met gave me one of his duty shirts, it was still sweaty! Also, huge shout out to Sam who translated for me!


Anyway, I arrived in Santiago a few days earlier then I expected. So with my extra time I bussed down to Porto, Portugal. During my short time here in Porto, for the first time ever, I’ve fallen in love with a city. The city is a mesh between nature, old buildings, modern buildings, and of all equal parts. Free roaming peacocks fly from wild orange trees, a huge river spirals through the heart of the city, as a tropical ocean tussles at the cities edges. It was an absolutely perfect experience.

I’m getting close to the end of my trip and I can’t believe it. I love and miss you all.



~ by Evan on May 11, 2016 .

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