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Tomorrow’s the day we leave, for real!

So, jackson and I thought we were leaving yesterday, but we decided against our initial plan. Our new and improved plan is this: we’re going to bus over to Zaragosa, and then take a train up to Jaca. This is where we’ll begin our Camino to Santiago.

I’ve been in Barcelona for almost 5 nights now. I feel as if I’ve finally acclimated to my surroundings, got my Spain legs so to speak. I’ve been all over Barcelona, from the gothic quarter with it’s narrow bustling streets to Gaudis massive cathedral. I’ve dipped my feet in the Mediterranean and walked all over the incredible streets of this great city.  image image image image image image


Also, growing out my beard is awesome! I’m thinking of starting a beard update post:). I miss and love everyone! It sure is strange being this far from home, but I’m happy and I can’t wait to start walking the path.

On another note, the hostel where I’m staying is nice. There are all sorts of peoples and it’s amazing to hear what they have to say. Though, it can be crazy here at the hostile. People like to show up at four o’clock and turn on the light,  start talking loudly and laughing… But, that’s what you get with sharing a room with 12 other people!

The food is also something to be acclimated to, I’ve eaten so much bread and meat- I need veggies!!

~ by Evan on March 27, 2016 .

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