Monthly Archives: April 2016

Amber – Tuesday

Amber – Tuesday

“The road goes ever on and on- out from the door where it began.” In Sahagún with wonderful company and tall, magnificent ceilings.


Amber – Sunday

Amber – Sunday

The moon is lookin’ lovely on this fine night. 26k into Terradillos de Templarios. This albergue has clean floors and a fireplace and I am very content.


Amber – Sunday

Amber – Sunday

Foggy 35k into Carrion de los Condes, and we ran into more people! The woman showed us our beds and Karen and Rachel were just …


Rain, rain & drunk sailors

Rain, rain & drunk sailors

Today was not one of my finer moments in life. It started out really well, but by 11:00 everything went kind of downhill. After our 42k …


Amber – Saturday

Amber – Saturday

Cold rainy day. Decided to stop pretty early. Got to see a 9th century castle though, which was really awesome. This is the view from …


Amber – Friday

Amber – Friday

42k from Burgos to Castrojeriz today. Needless to say, Paul and I have been complete wastes of human beings ever since we arrived at the …


Amber – Thursday

Amber – Thursday

A fairly easy day into the beautiful city of Burgos. I probably looked like such an idiot this morning, because I was literally smiling to …


Amber- Wednesday

Amber- Wednesday

Today was one of those days where I kept forgetting I was in a different country. Walking through the woods made me feel like I …


Amber- Tuesday

Amber- Tuesday

Knee is getting a bit better and Paul and I managed to beat the rain. Currently sitting in front of a fireplace after taking a …


Amber- Monday

Amber- Monday

Still pretty bummed that I couldn’t walk much today, but I’m thankful that Paul is a sweetheart and stayed back in Santo Domingo with me. …