
12256794_1666792290263058_582795377_aAmber Stinson || Olympia, WA

Hey folks! This is the story of my solo hike on the Camino de Santiago. My journey will begin in Le Puy, France and end in Santiago, Spain.

Initially, this occurred as an accident. I overslept the morning of sign up for classes, and by the time I actually woke up all the programs I wanted to be in were completely full. All except one titled “Walk to Santiago.” Sure enough, there was a spot open. I signed up, and now here I am!

As our weeks of preparation went on, I found myself growing more and more excited. There were a million and one reasons why I needed to do this, and why I needed to do it alone.

To many people this may seem crazy or dangerous, but to me this is what it means to be alive on this earth. To travel the world is to live.

Cheers to life, hiking and blogging technology, and may my fellow travelers be safe, happy and challenged.

Buen Camino!