Academic Statement

There were riots on the news. 

Given the recent political turmoil on 2017 this was nothing new. What was surprising to me was that the riots were at Evergreen, a 20 minute drive from my house. Never mind what they were about, they looked intense and a bit uncomfortable. I had been looking to go back to school and what better place than somewhere uncomfortable?

I began attending Evergreen that fall studying Asian-American pop culture. Writing became my focus as I struggled with it much more than reading the texts and talking in peer groups. After Fall quarter I was set on taking a program that focused exclusively on writing. At least until a bigger challenge appeared.

I had never heard of El Camino and I was not interested in traveling to Spain. Through a scheduling fluke I ended up in the last program I expected to be in – Walking to Santiago de Compostela, a pilgrimage across the country of Spain. 

I learned and wrote about discomfort while walking through the mountains, hills, forests, and beaches of Spain. I had to learn Spanish to survive, I had to make new friends, I had to live in a strange country carrying all my belongings on my back. Constantly on the move, I learned that almost any problem could be solved if I just kept walking. I started my journey in France and when I arrived on the West coast of Spain I knew a thing or two about discomfort and I had the blisters to prove it.

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