
In albergues you are one of the crowd. You check in, check out, get your stamp, never see the volunteers again. Occasionally however, you are recognized as a pilgrim in need.

I arrived sick and a little depressed. As I stumbled in the door and dropped my pack the lady next to the desk said “one moment please” in Spanish with a sweet smile on her face. When she returned that smile was still there.

I asked her if there was a bed for the night and she nodded enthusiastically, I mumbled a few words and then asked if she spoke English. She grinned beautifully and said in Spanish, “your Spanish is good, we don’t need to speak English” (or something close to that, because my Spanish isn’t that good).

that small compliment lifted my spirits straight up to good mood status and as she pressed the key into my hand with both of hers she smiled the beautiful smile again and told me that breakfast in the morning was free. Hallelujah. I went upstairs to find that she had given me my own room at no extra cost. When I called my father a few minutes later I almost cried telling him about the kindness the lady showed to me.

Just two days ago as I walked through Burgos I was blessed again.

I had been reading my Bible in the sun and presently I was walking back to the hostel trying to move slowly and letting my mind wander. I had been praying the last few days for an opportunity to play a piano. One of my favorite things to do at home is to sit in my living room and play my old wooden upright. I’m not particularly homesick here on El Camino but I’m used to playing everyday and I had begun to feel my fingers itching.

I passed by a perfume shop and did a double-take when I glanced in and saw a baby grand piano just sitting in the middle of the store. I walked in and couldn’t think of the words to communicate so I just pointed to the piano and asked, “Why?”

She smiled, shrugged and said something that I didn’t understand and then asked “do you play?”

“A bit.” I answered.

“Do you want to play?”

I nodded and the lady turned off the store music. We were alone in the store.

I began to play and the piano felt like a dream, it was tuned well and the action on the keys was just right. I played for about 15 minutes feeling a little self-conscious but I was determined to let out all the stress and weariness of the journey in that one moment. The wooden keys felt soft and the sunlight was coming in the open door.

when I was done I sat back and thanked the woman. She asked me where I was from and if I was a pilgrim to Santiago. I said yes I was and then she then she took me by the hand and led me to a perfume display. She took my hands gently and as she muttered something in Spanish she began to anoint my hands with perfume from the bottles, rubbing it all over my skin. This was so touching to me that I said nothing and just let her bless me and my journey.

I came back the next day and bought some perfume for my sister. The lady was pleased to see me and when I said coarsely “You bless me yesterday” she answered, “You blessed me.”


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