Category Archives: Education

Organizations working to raise awareness about the causes and effects of climate change.

Pacific Science Center

The Pacific Science center is a hand on science museum that’s goal is to educate the public on science and technology. Their curriculum includes programs that address the challenges of Climate Change, including an exhibit on carbon monitoring and a weekend long program addressing the Arctic and the Antarctic and some of the changes that are happening.

Organization Type: Non-profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(206) 443-2001


200 Second Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109

North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership

This organization’s goal is to increase awareness of climate change, assess its impact, and incorporate the findings into current land management policies. They do this through workshops and seminars for government employees in the parks and services sector.

Organization Type: Government Agency


Contact e-mail


(206) 732-7809


No listed address.


SOLVE is a non-profit organization that brings together proud Oregonians (native and newly-transplanted) to improve the environment and to build a legacy of stewardship.  By making connections between individuals, business groups, and service and conservation groups through volunteering and education, we are building a stronger tomorrow for this place we all love.

Organization Type: Not-for-profit corporation


Contact e-mail


(503) 844-9571


2000 SW 1st Ave, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97201

Off the Chain Bicycle Collective

According to their website: “Off the Chain is a low cost, volunteer run bicycle collective open to the Anchorage community. Off the Chain teaches people of all ages and backgrounds how to repair bicycles and strives to increase bicycle ridership, awareness, and safety through community service and education.”

This non-profit promotes low impact lifestyles (cycling as transport).

Organization Type: Non-Profit


Contact e-mail


(907) 258-6822


814 W. Northern Lights Suite W-15 (west end of the Mat-Maid building) Anchorage, AK

Regional Approaches to Climate Change

Regional Approaches to Climate Change works with the goal to combat climate change while making efforts to increase agricultural yields in the regions that are being effected by climate change in the Pacific Northwest. Their focus is on research and education.

Organization Type: Government Agency


Contact e-mail


(208) 885-1230


875 Perimeter Drive MS 2339
Moscow, ID 83844-2339


From their website, “We partner with youth and people with low-incomes to create empowering individual and community food solutions, offering tools and trainings to help build a just and sustainable food system.”

They work in Thurston and Mason counties in Washington State.

Through their GRuB in the Schools Initiative, disengaged and/or low-income students earn credits while learning about and contributing to their local food systems. They focus on the themes of Farming Self (personal development), Farming Land (sustainable land stewardship), and Farming Community (civic engagement & community service).

Organization Type: Non-Profit Organization


Contact e-mail


(360) 753-5522


2016 Elliott Ave NW Olympia, WA 98502

Alliance for Climate Education

The Alliance for Climate Change Education is an organization out of California that works with highs schools in the region to promote climate change education among high school students. Their program works to teach students the science of climate change and shows them how they can get involved in doing things to make a difference in their local community.

Organization Type: Non-profit


Contact e-mail


(510) 251-5990


360 22nd Street, Suite 730
 Oakland, CA 94612


Depave is an 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that removes unnecessary pavement from the Portland area, to create community gardens and water runoff mitigation areas.  Pavement is harmful in its social and environmental impacts, and this organization seeks to replace this material with soil and eventually plants.  This is accomplished through community events that reconnect people with nature.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


P.O. Box 12503 Portland, Oregon, 97212

The Vegan Project

Livestock production accounts for 18% of global anthropogenic emissions, because a lot of this is due to deforestation in the USA it makes up a lower number of total emissions but even still, a reduction in meat consumption even once a week can have significant impact on your carbon footprint. According to their website ‘The vegan project’ states: “After learning about the disheartening impact of the meat and dairy industries on our health, the environment and the treatment of animals, we – Bridget Burns, Jen Hanover and Jessica Grajczyk – decided to explore veganism. Since September 2009, we’ve been learning about veganism and documenting our experiences on our blog as we explore vegan cuisine, vegan fashion, vegan restaurants in our hometown of Vancouver, BC, and basically everything to do with the vegan lifestyle. We do not claim to be perfect vegans, rather people interested in doing our best to reduce our consumption of animal products while helping others explore veganism, too”.


Organization Type:

Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence

This organization promotes education surrounding  the world’s oceans in the face of climate change. They are made up of a team of scientists that work together with educators in the region to raise awareness and enhance knowledge on the subject.

Organization Type: Government


Contact e-mail


(907) 274-9612


1007 West Third Avenue, Suite 100 
Anchorage, AK 99501