Category Archives: Positive Action

OilWatch Alaska

OilWatch Alaska monitors the activities of the oil industry and gives the public unfiltered information. They strive to reduce the power the oil industry has on the government, the media and public debate. Through activism and education, OilWatch Alaska aims to restore open government and fairness to the citizens of Alaska.

Organization Type: Non-Government Organization


Contact e-mail


(907) 277-8910


P.O. Box 1011553, Anchorage, Arkansas 99510-1553

Willamette Riverkeeper

The Willamette Riverkeeper is an organization that is dedicated solely to the protection and restoration of the Willamette River.

There are 165 other rivers, bays, inlets and waterbodies united with the Willamette Riverkeeper under the Waterkeeper Alliance.  Their strategies include, advocacy, monitoring, education and restoration.

Organization Type: Not-for-Profit



(503) 223-6418


Willamette Riverkeeper
 1515 SE Water Ave. #102 Portland, OR 97214

Capital Region District

Our Strategy: Engage, Reduce and Prepare


The CRD’s Climate Action Program (CAP) acts as a regional hub and facilitator on climate change issues. We work with local governments, non-profit societies, public institutions and the private sector to help reduce emissions today and plan for climates of tomorrow.

By taking action on climate change, we can:

  • enhance quality of life through more complete, compact communities;
  • reduce congestion and improve mobility by increasing transportation choice;
  • lower energy costs through efficiency and conservation in transportation, infrastructure and building systems;
  • support community economic development and job creation by generating more energy locally and supporting low-carbon industries;
  • protect fragile ecosystems and productive agricultural land by containing growth;
  • improve fiscal sustainability of infrastructure systems by reducing solid waste, waste water flows, and concentrating development;
  • reduce infrastructure risk from extreme weather events; and
  • reduce health costs through improved air quality and active lifestyles.

Our Strategy: Engage, Reduce and Prepare

By ensuring that residents and businesses are engaged in the issues and understand the challenges, opportunities and case for taking action, we are likely to be successful in meeting our goals to reduce energy and emissions and prepare for climate change impacts.

The CRD Climate Action Program supports the necessary shifts in policy, attitudes, infrastructure and planning that we need to maintain a vibrant, healthy and green region.


The Climate Action Program (CAP) supports education and outreach programs that empower citizens, businesses and organizations to shift towards a low-carbon economy. The CAP is connected to a growing network of local, provincial and national organizations that are focusing on climate change issues and inspiring change across the country.
Read more 


As a region, the CRD Board has set a target of reducing emissions by 33% below 2007 levels by 2020.  Through leadership at the regional level and by supporting local governments in developing and implementing bylaws, programs, events and initiatives, we can achieve our goal.

To effectively reduce GHG emissions and climate change, we not only require changes in personal behaviours and attitudes, but also in our systems and technology. Read more 


Adaptation is needed now because the climate is already changing. Adaptation aims to enhance the livability of, and quality of life in our communities in the future. It will also reduce health risks and insurance costs, while protecting other investments. Climate change will create major challenges to the way we manage our resources and the services that the CRD delivers throughout the community. CRD staff is working to identify vulnerabilities and priorities for dealing with the impacts of future climates within the services we provide in order to help communities adapt. Read more 

 Capitol Region District

Organization Type: Government Agency



(250) 360-3000


625 Fisgard Street Victoria, BC V8W 1R7

Urban Greenspaces Institute

Mission statement:  To ensure that parks, regional trail systems, greenways and greenspaces are integrated with the built environment in the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan region; and to promote urban greenspace efforts nationally and internationally.

Motto: “In Livable Cities is Preservation of the wild.”

According to the webpage this motto was “chosen as a correlary to Henry David Thoreau’s aphorism, In Wildness is the Preservation of the Wild.”

The Group’s focus is on preserving and introducing nature and wilderness into urban areas.

Organization Type: Non-Governmental Organization


Contact e-mail


(503) 319-7155


Urban Greenspace Institute
 PO Box 6903 Portland, OR 97228-6903

Sustainable Seattle

Mission statement:Sustainable Seattle’s mission is to bring together individuals, organizations, and businesses in the greater Seattle area to build a sustainable future through innovation, education and on-the-ground projects.

Sustainable Seattle’s strategies include working within Communities, the Government and Businesses to achieve sustainability in Seattle.  They employ technology and policy as well as hands-on work.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(206) 622-3522


999 N. Northlake Way
 Seattle, WA 98103

SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel

SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel is a used cooking oil collection company. They recycle used cooking oils throughout Oregon and produce biodiesel. They have many refueling stations around Portland and Seattle, but none in between.

Organization Type: For-Profit Company



(800) 447-3794


10111 NE 6th Dr Portland, Oregon 97211

Surfrider Foundation – South Sound Washington Chapter

According to the Surfrider Foundation webpage, their mission “is the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network.”

Through educational, campaign and program initiatives, the many chapters of the Surfrider Foundation operate to protect our oceans waves and beaches.

Surfrider Foundation’s South Sound Chapter includes Tacoma, Gig Harbor and the southern Puget Sound region.

Organization Type:



2522 N Proctor PMB 390 Tacoma WA 98406-5338

Tilth Producers of Washington

From their website: Tilth Producers promotes ecologically sound, economically viable and socially equitable farming practices that improve the health of our communities and natural environment.

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(206) 632-7506


Good Shepherd Center 4649 Sunnyside Avenue N #305 Seattle WA 98103

Mountains to Sound Greenway

Mission: The Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust leads and inspires action to conserve and enhance the landscape from Seattle across the Cascade Mountains to Central Washington, ensuring a long-term balance between people and nature.”

Vision: “An iconic 1.5 million-acre landscape that conserves a healthy and sustainable relationship between land and people by balancing built and natural environments. A landscape providing places for nature and wildlife, for outdoor recreation and education, for working forests and local agricultural production, while embracing vibrant urban areas with strong economies.  A landscape supported by a broad cross-section of society, working together as an effective coalition to preserve this heritage for future generations.”

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(206) 382-5565


911 Western Ave, suite 203, Seattle, WA, 98104

Surfrider Foundation – Outer Coast Washington Chapter

According to the Surfrider Foundation webpage, their mission “is the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network.”

Through educational, campaign and program initiatives, the many chapters of the Surfrider Foundation operate to protect our oceans waves and beaches.

Organization Type:



PO Box 98 Grayland, WA 98547