Category Archives: Alaska

Organizations located or doing work in Alaska.

Haines Friends of Recycling

Haines Friends of Recycling recycles nearly 1,000 pounds a day.

From official website:

“Your one-stop source of all recycling-related information in Haines, Alaska!”

  • We are a 501(C)(3) membership organization founded in 1998.
  • Volunteers are always welcome!
  • We have approximately 200 households, businesses, and organizations that are members. Our membership form is under “membership” on this website.
  • Alaska Marine Lines provides us free back-hauling to Seattle and that is what makes it possible to recycle in Haines.  Thank you AML!
  • We are funded through memberships, grants, and sale of recyclable
  • Recycling is free to everyone; we appreciate memberships or donations to support our efforts.
  • Downtown recycling now at Haines Home Building during the summer (from June into October)

Organization Type: Non-Government Organization

Alaska Conservation Alliance

The website says, “Alaska Conservation Alliance works to protect Alaska’s air, land and water by being a powerful voice for the conservation community in the civic arena.”

Founded in 1997, the Alaska Conservation Alliance is a statewide non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose primary mission is to protect Alaska’s natural environment through voter education, engagement, and advocacy. The Alliance is the only statewide coalition group uniting Alaska’s conservation community and coordinating statewide grassroots into a powerful, cohesive force to impact public policy. We also educate policy makers and the public about environmental issues facing Alaska.

Alaska Conservation Alliance has three program areas: Advocacy, Education and Coordination.


Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(907) 258-6171


Alaska Conservation Alliance, PO Box 100660, Anchorage, AK 99510

Cook InletKeeper

Mission: Protect Alaska’s Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains.

According to the website:

Cook Inletkeeper works to guarantee

  • Clean Water
  • Healthy Fish & Wildlife
  • Strong Communities
  • Clean Energy
  • Lasting Jobs

Cook Inletkeeper is a community-based nonprofit organization that combines advocacy, education and science toward its mission to protect Alaska’s Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains. Inletkeeper’s monitoring and science work builds credibility with scientists and resource managers, its education and advocacy efforts enhance stewardship and citizen participation, and together, these efforts translate into Inletkeeper’s ability to effectively ensure a vibrant and healthy Cook Inlet watershed.

Organization Type: Not-for-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(907) 235-4068


3734 Ben Walters Lane Homer, AK 99603

OilWatch Alaska

OilWatch Alaska monitors the activities of the oil industry and gives the public unfiltered information. They strive to reduce the power the oil industry has on the government, the media and public debate. Through activism and education, OilWatch Alaska aims to restore open government and fairness to the citizens of Alaska.

Organization Type: Non-Government Organization


Contact e-mail


(907) 277-8910


P.O. Box 1011553, Anchorage, Arkansas 99510-1553

1000 Friends of Oregon

Mission statement: Working with Oregonians to enhance our quality of life by building livable urban and rural communities, protecting family farms and forests, and conserving natural areas.

Organization Type: Non-Government Organization


Contact e-mail


(503) 497-1000


133 SW Second Ave., Suite 201, Portland, OR 97204

Sightline Institute

Mission statement:  Sightline Institute’s mission is to make the Northwest a global model of sustainability—strong communities, a green economy, and a healthy environment.

“Smart Solutions for a Sustainable Northwest.”

An independent, non-profit, research and communications center, Sightline Institute works towards long-term solutions for the Northwest’s most significant challenges.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(206) 447-1880



1402 Third Ave Suite 500
 Seattle, WA 98101

Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter

Founded in 1995 as a private non-profit, the Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter (SERNW) is dedicated to the art and science of restoration.  Their focus is on actively protecting and restoring ecosystems in the Cascadia bioregion, which includes Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaha, Alaska and Northern California.

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(202) 299-9518


1017 O St NW, Washington DC 20001 USA

Full Circle Farms

We’ve been passionate about growing delicious produce free of herbicides and pesticides and farming in a way that preserves our soil and environment. And we’ve made a sizable difference – bringing organic and natural food to thousands of tables over the years. But we knew one farm couldn’t do it all. So, we now work with some of the best organic and family farms and producers on the West Coast – folks we know and trust – to bring you wholesome, healthy, real food.
-From the About Us page of their website

Organization Type: For-Profit Corporation





800 Maynard Ave, Ste 208, Seattle, WA 98134 PO Box 608 Carnation, WA 98014

Interior Alaska Green Star


Interior Alaska Green Star is a non-profit organization that “encourages households and businesses to practice waste reduction, energy conservation and pollution prevention.” The Green Star Award program was created in 1990 by state regulators, environmentalists and business leaders to give positive recognition to organizations that exercise environmental responsibility. Interior Alaska Green Star started in 1998 and focused on the encouragement of recycling in both the domestic and corporate parts of Alaska. Since 2006, Alaska has faced many recycling hardships, but has been able to start up several different recycling programs including a computer recycling program and has many started many outreach or education programs.

From 2012 their new accomplishments include:

  • Expanding community participation in the Electronics Recycling program, especially from the business community
  • Publishing a new edition of the Fairbanks Recycling Guide in the fall of 2012
  • Expanding our Educational Programs
  • Re-engaging the local business community in the Green Star Award program

Organization Type: Non-Profit


Contact e-mail


(907) 452-4152


565 University Avenue, Suite 4, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709

Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals

The Northwest Association of Environmental Proffesionals (NWAEP) is a group of Washington and Oregon environmental professionals whose goal is to provide opportunities for the professional development and recognition of members through meetings, conferences, and other activities.  According to the webpage:

Membership in the Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals is open to anyone in the Northwest who is involved or interested in the environmental professions and who conducts their work in accordance with the Environmental Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. By definition, an “environmental professional” is someone who either earns their livelihood from, or has a specific skill or experience in, one or more environmental areas. Included in this broad category are environmental managers, engineers, consultants, educators, regulators, attorneys, vendors and suppliers, technicians, activists, and students, among others.

Many members of NWAEP are also affiliated with the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP), but membership in the latter organization is not required.

They are a nonpolitical and interdisciplinary organization.  They promote advancement in scientific education, planning, research, assessment, review and management.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


NWAEP PO Box 141 Portland, OR 97207