Haines Friends of Recycling recycles nearly 1,000 pounds a day.
From official website:
“Your one-stop source of all recycling-related information in Haines, Alaska!”
- We are a 501(C)(3) membership organization founded in 1998.
- Volunteers are always welcome!
- We have approximately 200 households, businesses, and organizations that are members. Our membership form is under “membership” on this website.
- Alaska Marine Lines provides us free back-hauling to Seattle and that is what makes it possible to recycle in Haines. Thank you AML!
- We are funded through memberships, grants, and sale of recyclable
materials. - Recycling is free to everyone; we appreciate memberships or donations to support our efforts.
- Downtown recycling now at Haines Home Building during the summer (from June into October)
Organization Type: Non-Government Organization