Category Archives: Oregon

Organizations located or doing work in Oregon.

Farm Power


Farm Power is a Washington and Oregon company that works towards sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. Their facilities use an anaerobic manure digester that harvests methane gas from manure. They use the methane to create electricity and send the manure to their partnered farms to use as an organic fertilizer. Their goal is to build manure digesters for as many dairy farms in the Pacific Northwest as possible. They work with groups of dairy farmers to design regional digesters that can serve multiple farms. By using their digesters they reduce thousands of tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(360) 424-4519

Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter

Founded in 1995 as a private non-profit, the Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter (SERNW) is dedicated to the art and science of restoration.  Their focus is on actively protecting and restoring ecosystems in the Cascadia bioregion, which includes Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaha, Alaska and Northern California.

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(202) 299-9518


1017 O St NW, Washington DC 20001 USA

Portland Permaculture Guild

The Portland Permaculture Guild is an informal group dedicated to permaculture as a system of conscious, sustainable, ecological design.  They offer classes, workshops and other activities based on public interest.  They often work with other like-minded organizations in the region to promote sustainability education and implementation.

Organization Type:

Northwest Environmental Advocates

Mission statement:  To work through advocacy and education to protect and restore water and air quality, wetlands and wildlife habitat.

Northwest Environmental Advocates (NWEA) use strategies such as negotiation, litigation, education, community organizing, and advocacy.  This includes:

  • filing lawsuits to obtain program implementation and remedy egregious threats
  • advocating for funding, enforcement, and environmental results
  • working on advisory committees to build support for implementation
  • education and community organizing to ensure an informed and involved public

Organization Type:



(503) 295-0490


P.O. Box 12187 Portland, OR 97212-0187

Inland Northwest Land Trust

The official website indicates that Inland Northwest Land Trust (INTL) is “a local, non-profit, non-political organization with over 450 members. Through easements, acquisitions, and by working with other conservation partners we have helped preserve 14,694 acres of wetlands, shorelines, farmlands, and forests in eastern Washington and northern Idaho for present and future generations.”

Mission Statement:  Inland Northwest Land Trust protects the regions natural lands, waters and working farms and forests for the benefit of wildlife, our community and future generations.

INTL works with private landowners and other partners to protect this region’s quality of life. Their focus is on the conservation of natural open spaces to preserve wildlife, clean air and water, and scenic beauty.

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(509) 328-2939


Inland Northwest Land Trust, 35 West Main Avenue, Suite 210, Spokane, WA 99201

Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Research Consortium (CIRC)

“The Climate Impacts Research Consortium  provides information and tools for making decisions about landscape and watershed management in a changing climate. CIRC is a consortium of three multi-university organizations: The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute , including Oregon State University and the University of Oregon ;Idaho’s project on Water Resources in a Changing Climate, funded by NSF’s Office of Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research , including University of Idaho , Boise State University , and Idaho State University.”

Organization Type:



(541) 737-5705


Oregon State University 326 Strand Ag Hall Corvallis, OR, 97331

Build Local Alliance


Build Local Alliance works with businesses, builders and artisans in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington to develop the local economy through sustainable forestry by supporting and using local wood for green building projects. The Build Local Alliance is composed of forest owners, millwrights, architects, designers, builders, craftsmen, homeowners and more.

Their mission is “to improve the vitality of local forests and related human communities by connecting local, responsibly grown and processed wood with local projects.”

Organization Type: Non-Profit


Contact e-mail


(503) 221-6911 x101


Portland, Oregon

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

From their website:

“The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission coordinates management policy and provides fisheries technical services for the Yakima, Warm Springs, Umatilla, and Nez Perce tribes. CRITFC’s mission is ‘to ensure a unified voice in the overall management of the fishery resources, and as managers, to protect reserved treaty rights through the exercise of the inherent sovereign powers of the tribes.'”

Organization Type: Non-Governmental Organization


Contact e-mail


(503) 238-0667


729 NE Oregon St., Suite. 200 Portland, Oregon 97232

Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals

The Northwest Association of Environmental Proffesionals (NWAEP) is a group of Washington and Oregon environmental professionals whose goal is to provide opportunities for the professional development and recognition of members through meetings, conferences, and other activities.  According to the webpage:

Membership in the Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals is open to anyone in the Northwest who is involved or interested in the environmental professions and who conducts their work in accordance with the Environmental Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. By definition, an “environmental professional” is someone who either earns their livelihood from, or has a specific skill or experience in, one or more environmental areas. Included in this broad category are environmental managers, engineers, consultants, educators, regulators, attorneys, vendors and suppliers, technicians, activists, and students, among others.

Many members of NWAEP are also affiliated with the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP), but membership in the latter organization is not required.

They are a nonpolitical and interdisciplinary organization.  They promote advancement in scientific education, planning, research, assessment, review and management.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


NWAEP PO Box 141 Portland, OR 97207

Network of Oregon Watershed Councils

Mission statement:  The Network supports the work of Oregon’s watershed councils to enhance watershed health and benefit their local communities.

According to their webpage, here’s why watershed councils are important:

  • Local watershed councils are highly effective in the planning, development, and implementation of projects to maintain and restore the biological and physical processes in watersheds for the sustainability of their communities.
  • Councils often identify landowner participants for important projects, develop priorities for local projects, and establish goals and standards for future conditions in the watershed. On-site projects are implemented in an effort to enhance the watershed’s ability to capture, store, and beneficially release water.
  • Education programs inform people about watershed processes and functions. Watershed councils provide coordinated, broad-based review of land management plans to local, state, and federal decision-makers.
  • Watershed councils help bring state, federal, and private funding to local communities for ecosystem restoration, monitoring, and education.
  • Together with their many partners, councils make a significant positive impact on the local environment, economy, and community.

Organization Type:



(503) 362-1246


187 High St. NE #213 Salem, OR 97301