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The Vegan Project

Livestock production accounts for 18% of global anthropogenic emissions, because a lot of this is due to deforestation in the USA it makes up a lower number of total emissions but even still, a reduction in meat consumption even once a week can have significant impact on your carbon footprint. According to their website ‘The vegan project’ states: “After learning about the disheartening impact of the meat and dairy industries on our health, the environment and the treatment of animals, we – Bridget Burns, Jen Hanover and Jessica Grajczyk – decided to explore veganism. Since September 2009, we’ve been learning about veganism and documenting our experiences on our blog as we explore vegan cuisine, vegan fashion, vegan restaurants in our hometown of Vancouver, BC, and basically everything to do with the vegan lifestyle. We do not claim to be perfect vegans, rather people interested in doing our best to reduce our consumption of animal products while helping others explore veganism, too”.


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