Tag Archives: Advocacy

Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC)

Description of Organization: The NW CSC is a federally funded collaboration between (primarily) researched from Oregon State University, the University of Washington, and the University of Idaho.

Mission: “The center’s mission is to provide resource managers with the scientific information, tools, and techniques they need to anticipate, monitor, and adapt to climate change.”

Vision: “To become nationally recognized as a best-practice model for the provisions of climate science and decision support tools to address conservation and management issues in the Pacific Northwest Region.”

History: Founded in 2010 by the US Department of Interior to aide management decisions related to Climate change issues in the PNW region.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(541) 737-2525

Northwest Biodiesel Network

Mission: The purpose of the Northwest Biodiesel Network is to promote the use and benefits of Biodiesel, through awareness campaigns, educational programs, and specific initiatives.

The Northwest Biodiesel Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  They are dedicated to educating the public on current Biodiesel issues, use & availability.

“We represent no one Biodiesel supplier or industry sector; Our goal is to get the best and most current information out to the public in the form of Monthly Meetings, Tabling exposure at local events & fairs, and provide networking opportunities for those in the industry or those simply wanting to find out more about this alternative fuel.”

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


not indicated on website


1402 Third Ave, Suite 1000,Seattle, WA 98101

Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP)

The Logo for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP)


The Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) makes the city’s residential areas better places to live, work, learn and play. NRP is an investment program based on truly empowering residents by bringing them into the priority-setting process of the city. The NRP is an investment program based on truly empowering residents by bringing them into the priority-setting process of the city. It is based on the belief that the empowerment of residents and the mobilization of untapped resources, energy and creativity can make our collective desire for a better future a reality.
By the end of 2005, NRP had committed $280 million to improving neighborhoods and implementing Neighborhood Action Plans. Under the statute committing resources to NRP, the State of Minnesota required that 52.5% of all invested revenues be used for housing and housing related programs, projects, services and activities.
The NRP uses a six-step process to help residents define what they want for their neighborhood, prepare their Neighborhood Action Plan and begin successful implementation. Residents, with support and assistance from NRP staff.
The Policy Board established four primary goals for NRP when it was established in 1990:
1.) Build neighborhood capacity.
2.) Redesign public services.
3.) Increase inter-governmental and intra-governmental collaboration.
4.) Create a sense of community.

Organization Type: Not- For-Profit


Contact e-mail


(612) 673-3737


Room 220, Tri Tech Center 331 2nd Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401


“Futurewise is a statewide public interest group working to promote healthy communities and cities while protecting farmland, forests and shorelines.”

Organization Type: Not-for-profit organization


Contact e-mail


(206) 343-0681


816 Second Ave, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104

RE Sources

Vision – From their website: Healthy, prosperous communities, living in balance with the natural world

Mission – From their website: RE Sources promotes sustainable communities through recycling, education, advocacy, and conservation of natural resources.

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(360) 733-8307


2309 Meridian Street Bellingham, WA 98225

NW Energy Coalition

The NW Energy Coalition advocates clean and sustainable energy.  It also works in habitat restoration and low income energy assistance.  It is active in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia and has 115 members, mostly environmentally conscious businesses.

Organization Type: An alliance of environmental organizations and businesses


Contact e-mail


(206) 621-0094


811 1st Avenue, Suite 305, Seattle, Washington, 98104

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth focuses on bringing people from all over the world together to work on certain issues that have to do with climate change.  They are multi-faceted and deal with many different issues including promoting conservation of energy and the spread of clean energy.  One of the projects they are currently working on is fighting the tar sands oil coming from the Boreal Forest in Canada.

Organization Type: Grassroots Environmental Network


Contact e-mail


(510) 900-3150


2150 Allston Way, Suite 240 Berkeley, California 94704

Earth Economics

Earth Economics uses principles of economics to find solutions to climate change.  Some of the services they provide, taken from their website, are:

  • Ecosystem Service Valuations:  Working with public, private and NGO agencies, Earth Economics’ Ecosystem Service Valuation (ESV) studies quantify the value of the goods and services provided by regional ecosystems. This valuation justifies the shift of investment toward environmental preservation and/or restoration.  
  • Scenario Mapping and Planning:  “Working with leading systems modelers, ecologists and hydrologists, Earth Economics analyzes ecosystem services such as freshwater provisioning, carbon sequestration, flood protection, biodiversity and hurricane protection.”
  • Conversion to Sustainability: Working with the electronic recycling industry, paper mills and other industries, Earth Economics helps catalyze the shift from unsustainable to sustainable technology and industrial processes.


Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(253) 539-4801


107 N. Tacoma Avenue Tacoma, WA 98403

Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition

Conservation sequesters Carbon and deforestation is a major cause of climate change Cascadia Wildlands aims to conserve wild spaces. They state on their web stite that “The Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition is a non-profit citizens group founded in a historic bipartisan effort by former Governors Dan Evans and Mike Lowry. Their members consist of a diverse group of over 250 organizations representing conservation, business, recreation, hunting, fishing, farming, and community interests. They state that their “breadth and diversity is the key to our success–no one member of the Coalition could secure such high levels of funding for parks and habitat on their own.”

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit


Contact e-mail


(206) 748-0082


1402 Third Avenue, Suite 507 Seattle WA 98101

City Repair Project

As stated on the webpage, “City Repair is an organized group action that educates and inspires communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live. City Repair facilitates artistic and ecologically-oriented placemaking through projects that honor the interconnection of human communities and the natural world. The many projects of City Repair have been accomplished by a mostly volunteer staff and thousands of volunteer citizen activists.”

City Repair emphasizes sustainability through localization.  With Placemaking as a sustainability strategy, they hope to foster engaged and active relationships between community members and the spaces they inhabit.  They assist community members in creating communal and ecologically oriented places through educational or hands-on projects such as Intersection Repair and Village Building Conference.

Other City Repair fields include:

•Urban Planning and Design

•Ecological and Social Sustainability

•Community resource localization

•Nonhierarchical decision-making

•Equality, diversity and peace

•Cultural identity and Bioregionalism

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(503) 235-8946


PO Box 42615 Portland, OR 97242