Tag Archives: Collaboration

Initiative for Rural Innovation and Stewardship

The Initiative for Rural Innovation and Stewardship works with the community to teach development for sustainable rural communities and natural resources-based economies by implementing projects across North Central Washington. One project they have done is Classroom in Bloom which is a one-half acre farm on a shared campus for the Methow Valley. Initiative for Rural Innovation and Stewardship has three programs that they take part in, Regional Food Systems, Nature of Place in North Central Washington, and Healthy Lands. These programs help the community though education, promote biodiversity in the ecosystem, and produce and promote exchange of food in North Central Washington.

Organization Type: NGO

Alaska Conservation Alliance

The website says, “Alaska Conservation Alliance works to protect Alaska’s air, land and water by being a powerful voice for the conservation community in the civic arena.”

Founded in 1997, the Alaska Conservation Alliance is a statewide non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose primary mission is to protect Alaska’s natural environment through voter education, engagement, and advocacy. The Alliance is the only statewide coalition group uniting Alaska’s conservation community and coordinating statewide grassroots into a powerful, cohesive force to impact public policy. We also educate policy makers and the public about environmental issues facing Alaska.

Alaska Conservation Alliance has three program areas: Advocacy, Education and Coordination.


Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation


Contact e-mail


(907) 258-6171


Alaska Conservation Alliance, PO Box 100660, Anchorage, AK 99510

Mountains to Sound Greenway

Mission: The Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust leads and inspires action to conserve and enhance the landscape from Seattle across the Cascade Mountains to Central Washington, ensuring a long-term balance between people and nature.”

Vision: “An iconic 1.5 million-acre landscape that conserves a healthy and sustainable relationship between land and people by balancing built and natural environments. A landscape providing places for nature and wildlife, for outdoor recreation and education, for working forests and local agricultural production, while embracing vibrant urban areas with strong economies.  A landscape supported by a broad cross-section of society, working together as an effective coalition to preserve this heritage for future generations.”

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(206) 382-5565


911 Western Ave, suite 203, Seattle, WA, 98104

EarthShare Washington

EarthShare Washington partners with businesses across Washington to promote environmental education, volunteerism and charities. EarthShare Washington is part of the national organization EarthShare.

Their mission is to provide “opportunities for individuals, employers and organizations to support a healthy and sustainable environment through collaboration and focused giving.”

Organization Type: Non-Profit


Contact e-mail


(206) 622-9840


1402 Third Avenue, Suite 817 Seattle WA 98101

Spokane Riverkeeper

According to their website, “The Spokane Riverkeeper is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the health of the Spokane River Watershed. We accomplish this by collaborating, educating, and, when necessary, litigating to preserve the Spokane River’s health now and in the future.

Spokane Riverkeeper is a vigilant guardian of the Spokane River and its watershed and an effective advocate for the restoration and preservation of the river’s ecological health and aesthetic integrity. As a member of the international Waterkeepers movement, Spokane Riverkeeper’s first priority, day-to-day, is to defend the river against pollution and polluters.

The long-term vision of Spokane Riverkeeper is to restore the river to its natural state, undiminished by human activities that cause pollution or divert water from the river, especially during low seasonal flow periods. Our mission recognizes that protecting the river and securing its future as an ecological and spiritual resource for the region is best secured by working with current allies and enlisting new allies in the causes to which we’re committed.”

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


(509) 835-5211


35 West Main, Suite 300 Spokane, WA 99201 United States

Engineered Compost Systems

Engineered Compost System’s mission is to…

ECS is an engineering and manufacturing firm dedicated to providing appropriate compost design, technology, and on-going technical support to our composting clients… We design, build and test all of our products at our UL Listed manufacturing facility in Seattle, WA.
-From the About Us page of their website

Organization Type: For-Profit Corporation



(206) 634-2625


4211 24th Avenue West Seattle, WA 98199

Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals

The Northwest Association of Environmental Proffesionals (NWAEP) is a group of Washington and Oregon environmental professionals whose goal is to provide opportunities for the professional development and recognition of members through meetings, conferences, and other activities.  According to the webpage:

Membership in the Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals is open to anyone in the Northwest who is involved or interested in the environmental professions and who conducts their work in accordance with the Environmental Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. By definition, an “environmental professional” is someone who either earns their livelihood from, or has a specific skill or experience in, one or more environmental areas. Included in this broad category are environmental managers, engineers, consultants, educators, regulators, attorneys, vendors and suppliers, technicians, activists, and students, among others.

Many members of NWAEP are also affiliated with the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP), but membership in the latter organization is not required.

They are a nonpolitical and interdisciplinary organization.  They promote advancement in scientific education, planning, research, assessment, review and management.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


NWAEP PO Box 141 Portland, OR 97207

Network of Oregon Watershed Councils

Mission statement:  The Network supports the work of Oregon’s watershed councils to enhance watershed health and benefit their local communities.

According to their webpage, here’s why watershed councils are important:

  • Local watershed councils are highly effective in the planning, development, and implementation of projects to maintain and restore the biological and physical processes in watersheds for the sustainability of their communities.
  • Councils often identify landowner participants for important projects, develop priorities for local projects, and establish goals and standards for future conditions in the watershed. On-site projects are implemented in an effort to enhance the watershed’s ability to capture, store, and beneficially release water.
  • Education programs inform people about watershed processes and functions. Watershed councils provide coordinated, broad-based review of land management plans to local, state, and federal decision-makers.
  • Watershed councils help bring state, federal, and private funding to local communities for ecosystem restoration, monitoring, and education.
  • Together with their many partners, councils make a significant positive impact on the local environment, economy, and community.

Organization Type:



(503) 362-1246


187 High St. NE #213 Salem, OR 97301

Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST)

Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST)

Mission Statement:  COASST is a citizen science project of the University of Washington in partnership with state, tribal and federal agencies, environmental organizations, and community groups. COASST believes citizens of coastal communities are essential scientific partners in monitoring marine ecosystem health. By collaborating with citizens, natural resource management agencies and environmental organizations, COASST works to translate long-term monitoring into effective marine conservation solutions.

Their Vision is:

Realizing the pressing needs of marine natural resource management, coastal conservation, and the need for good science and a stewardship ethic among citizens, the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) sees a future in which all coastal communities contribute directly to monitoring local marine resources and ecosystem health through the establishment of a network of citizen scientists, each collecting rigorous and vital data. Through their collective efforts, and the translation of their individual data into baselines against which any impact—from human or natural origins—can be assessed, nearshore ecosystems worldwide will be actively known, managed, and protected.

Organization Type: Not-for-Profit Organization


Contact e-mail


(206) 221-6893


Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST),School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington Box 355020, 1122 NE Boat Street, Seattle, WA 98195-5020

WFPA: Washington Forest Protection Association

According to their website, “Washington Forest Protection Association (WFPA) is a trade association representing private forest landowners in Washington State. WFPA members are committed to advancing sustainable forestry in Washington State to provide forest products and environmental benefits for the public.”

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Organization


Contact e-mail


(360) 352-1500


724 Columbia St. NW, Suite 250 Olympia, WA 98501