First Banana Bread Photos

This was my first time trying out food photography. I can definitively say that I am quite happy with the results for not having any experience in this field of photography. For this week I decided to focus on natural lighting and websites, blogs and ebooks style of photography. I read in my book that most of the food photography photos you see are normally taken in natural lighting. I learned that the best place to photograph is in the garage. This is because you can control the amount of light you let fall onto your subject. I however didn’t want to photograph my bread in the garage… It just does not seem sanitary in the dirty garage. So after reading a few small sections in my book I put what I had read to the test. I waited for the bread to cool down before I started photographing it. I’m using a Nikon D5100 to shoot my photographs. I set up my bread on the kitchen table near the sliding glass door and made sure I had plenty of room to start my photography shoot as well as making sure there wasn’t much that would be showing up in the background. I started to arrange the bread at the angles that I wanted it to be viewed and set up my camera to a tripod. I used a cable release cord to make sure my photos would turn out 100% sharp since I was shooting in manual mode with no flash and the shutter speed was pretty slow. When I decided I finally had some photos I was happy with I began editing my photos in photoshop. I really don’t like to over edit my photos and would rather keep them looking as natural looking as the original image. All my editing consists of is adjusting the levels, applying a high pass filter and cropping out the unwanted content.

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