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Thinking About IT

Okay, I have empathy. I do. As of yesterday I finally let go of the concept for Red Rocks. No more Taos in the 20s. No more Frida and DH Lawrence. No more Brett. No more Mabel. The actual red rocks are still in it. The faked home movies too I think. But good-bye to the intellectual/literary premise that everyone loved but I couldn’t budge further than a 2 minute trailer.

Well, I intend to spend time this week trying to pull together a better description of my experimental film. I don’t want to characterize it by what it isn’t i.e., it isn’t a fictional memoir. It will involve my personal archives, my fascination with time, my interest in the landscape, my willingness to play. (Aside: I got a gift from Lynda that was prescient; I will share that with you in another post). I am “starting over in the same place” which coincidentally was the name of an installation that I made with Marilyn Frasca and Mark Levensky about 15 years ago (I think). The first film I made when I joined the faculty at Evergreen was called Personal Landscapes. Soon after that I made Going to My House, probably my biggest transition as a filmmaker (it also was my first collaboration with Peter). I am returning to the spirit if not the content of these early works. Well, enough for now. I also redid my website this morning. All evidence removed of my current work. No regrets.

~ by Sally Cloninger on January 25, 2009 .

One Response to “Thinking About IT”

  1.   haumic05 Says:

    vivid and inspiring… thanks for the words and bravery…..frame by frame