This contract is a cumulative senior thesis project, a year of intense study of multicultural arts and religion to tie together the past years of study in design, ornamentation, fine art, and fine craft. It will blend previous undergraduate work into a final scholastic pilgrimage. This is a quest to refine skills while diving into the unknown, and will focus primarily on religious belief, myth, & folklore, cultural aesthetic & human ornamentation, art (specifically metal), reuse & sharing of ideas and influences, and will also feature a sub-focus in food, language, and clothing. Questions to be answered include: How are beliefs and rites of passage made tangible by symbolic objects and ornaments? How do cultures vary in their ritual ornamentation, and how do they share similarities? Ornamentation is one important aspect of humanity in which we all share a common thread – all cultures have practiced it, yet it has varied greatly. How have some cultures evolved from others, both in religious belief, and in aesthetic ritual? “Ritual Ornamentation” may include jewelry, tools, crowns, magical items, or utilitarian items used symbolically for religious ceremony or folkloric tradition. Overall design will be viewed in the lens of art history. Additional cultural study of food, folklore, language, and clothing will be documented, to give context and deeper understanding to my art studies. During the first quarter, I will be studying in silversmithing, culture, and food in Southeast Asia. The second and third, I will be studying language, as well as the trade and evolution of design, symbolism, and religion between West Africa, and the Caribbean and Southern United States.

Learning Objectives Activities that will help me to attain this objective What my sponsor will evaluate

To study and compare design, style, and meaning of metalworking and fine craft cross culturally. What ornamentation is borrowed from other cultures? What does ornamentation mean to people’s identity with their own culture, and/or their created community? How does it differ from region to region?

This will be documented in a sociological observation and historical study journal, including personal reflections and observations as well as note-taking and Three short (3-5 page) academic papers

My online blog, as well as my academic papers.

To continue my studio work in fine metalworking, learning new styles and skills (focusing on traditional method and design) across cultures, while utilizing ancient/recycled materials to re-create traditional jewelry, amulets, and other items from cultures studied. Additionally, to make artwork drawing from experiences: visual representations of how cultures reuse old ideas and materials.

Independent studio work and private jewelry instruction across cultures. Guidance from a variety of instructors will showcase the amazing intricacies of the common web of human jewelry and metalworking while also presenting many different styles and histories. I will make a range of artwork (a5 main pieces per quarter) that will be documented and shared through my blog. I hope specifically to use recycled material for some of them, as metaphor for cultural recycling of ideas and beliefs. Five additional pieces will be produces, such as drawing, painting, weaving, etc that are inspired by my observation.

An outline of the instruction I receive in private jewelry instruction, and a through documenting of my art pieces via photographs.

to connect where i can about local food, folklore, language, and clothing to give context and deeper understanding to my art studies. While in SE Asia, document similar dishes in different country and add them to my plog. Read about folklore and clothing in my region. For each, a short paper will be written about my experience. Documentation of any dishes, and a short academic paper on the folklore and clothing.

Evaluation of Work

  • Narrative evaluation from sponsor
  • Narrative self-evaluation from student

Faculty Support

Communicate 1-2 times a week by online post to connected WordPress e-journal, photo post and emails to faculty.