1.Do you think the hearth still has a central role? What will the hearth look like in 2020? Kitchen-talk?
As we modernize and seek out advancements in productivity and efficiency we become increasingly disconnected from the social aspect the hearth offered. I think of two different things when thinking of the “modern day hearth”. Nuber one being the television, being a central place of the home to gather and seek out stimulating content. The other being possibly more place specific to the pacific northwest, or even more specifically the homes of millennial students in the PNW, is the bong. Often being a place to gather around a flame and the ingestion of smoke which often provokes thoughtful connections through conversation, laughter, snacking and sometimes becoming a zombie and binge-watching an entire season of Grey’s Anatomy in a week.
2. Which spices did you blend? Why?
Cardamom, Cumin, Hungarian Paprika, Clove, Vanilla.
These spices work well together, creating a warming effect with a pleasant aroma.
Header Image source: http://heckasac.blogspot.com/2011/04/brussels-and-houffalize.html