I will be exploring how ethical and ecologically sustainable practices can be promoted within business models, and how politics transform an agricultural and social landscape. I will also largely be focusing on acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to enter into a career field of event coordination. I will be completing a Special Events Internship with Evergreen’s Special Event Manager Correan Barker. This will include extensive planning and programming for fundraising events on ana doff campus.

Learning Objectives: Activities: What my sponsor will evaluate:
Examining food system
reform, and the efforts that
are being taken to provide
quality food that is not only
healthy for the consumer but
good for the earth. I will be
exploring questions such as:
How can we move towards
more ethical consumption in
a Trumpian era? Why does farm to table matter? How can we combat oppressive food systems and move towards more ethical practices?
Reading excerpts from:

The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World

A Plant’s-Eye View of the World by Michael Pollan

Farms with a Future: Creating and Growing a
Sustainable Farm Business by Rebecca

Our Revolution: A Future to
Believe In by Bernie Sanders

The Third Plate:
Field Notes on the Future of Food by Dan

My faculty will
weekly blog
posts that
and provide
from texts.
I will advance my current website building skills and learn how to optimize these skills through learning graphic design techniques that would be valuable to marketing and creating my own website. Going to workshops and watching
tutorials for graphic design. This will include
learning how to use photoshop and other web
building applications.
My faculty will
evaluate the
overall look
and feel of my
blog. Does it
display a
and attractive
Learning event coordination and beginning to plan a farm to table dinning experience for Alumni this coming summer. I would like to learn what it means to work professionally as an event coordinator, fundraiser, advancement officer. I hope to gain internship experience through an
internship opportunity with Evergreen’s Special
Event manager, Correan Barker. I will be
working with fellow classmates, Annie Sloan
and graduate Daniel Saunders, to begin the
planning for our summer dinner. This will
include applying for a grant, as well as curating
a website that will outline the process and
provide the necessary information for this
dinner to be replicated by future students.
mapping out tool in which to lear how to work
with a budget, fundraising, marketing strategies,
resourcing, communications, event decor,
menu planning, and meal pairings.
My faculty will
written articles
and photo
galleries on
the Farm to
fork dinner

Evaluation of Work
The student will complete all assignments as described on the syllabus, including weekly documentation on the Project pages of the SOS program website. Whenever possible, the student will provide the faculty with a field supervisor, subcontractor, or mentor’s descriptive assessment of in-program ILC work completed with their guidance, expertise, or supervision by week 10. The student
will complete comprehensive mid-quarter and final narrative self-evaluations and submit them to faculty prior to mid-quarter and final end of quarter student-faculty conferences. For the final blog post on Project websites, each student will post, and when possible present in class on Tuesday of week 10, a 10-minute PowerPoint Presentation of 10-15 slides with text that demonstrates the highlights of the student’s in-program ILC Project website.