Welcome to my online journal-Gut Reactions. This winter quarter, as a part of the program Commodification Processes and Alternatives at The Evergreen State College, a group of students will create their own academic projects related to food, public health, and how economics interact with social structures and our current food system.

Gut Reactions will be updated on a weekly basis with original writings, relevant research, my personal health experiments, and photographs that relate to the mind-gut connection, healing trauma through food and poetry, human health, environmental health, and access to real food in the the South Puget Sound Region of our beloved Washington state.

Learning Objectives Learning Activities Learning Outcomes
What current policies and societal constructs interrupt an individuals opportunity to have access to real food?
  • Assisting with a Thurston County education and outreach initiative with Aslan Meade
  • Distributing food at the Thurston County food bank
  • Volunteering at the Kiwanis Club Food Bank Gardens

Reading List:

1)Recovering the Sacred, LaDuke

2)Local Food Environments: Food Access in America, Morland

3) Food Security, Nutrition, and Sustainability, Tabatha Wallingtom

  • E-Journal Posts
  • Research and synthesis essay
What research has already been done on the mind-gut connection? How can this knowledge be used to heal people on large scales? What foods support our guts microbiota? Interviews, research, and workshops about herbs and fermentation.

Reading List:

1) Gut: The Inside Story of Our Bodys Most Underrated Organ, Enders

2) Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain-for life, Perlumutter

3) The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer

5) Oxidative Stress and Digestive Disease by Toshikau Yoshikawa

6) Endocrine Pathology of the Gut and Pancreas by Yogeshwar Daya

7) Slow Food Manifesto

While studying the relationship between the mind and the gut I will incorporate these practices into my life and record my personal results on my blog.
What research has acknowledged the connection between human health and the ecosystems health? What methods and practices are already in use?
  • Horticulture Therapy
  • Cooking medicinal food/recipes

Reading List:
1)The Sacred Kitchen, Robertson and Robertson

2)Recovering the Sacred, LaDuke

3)Ecopsychology, Roszak, Gomes, Kanner, Brown, and Hallman

4)Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma with EMDR Therapy: Innovative Strategies and Protocols, Nickerson

Blog posts, recording my personal experiences with these recipes, practices, therapies, and ceremonies
How does trauma and stress influence digestion? What food, herbs, and beverages can we consume to relieve stress? How can individuals who experience stress, social anxiety, and trauma heal through food, despite possible obstacles to real food?  1) An Illustrated Guide to Herbs by Anne Kruger  Weekly blog posts and personal experiments/experiences